Word of the Year for 2018 :: Brilliance

It’s only been in the past 3-4 years that I have selected a word that I wante
d to live, feel, reflect and attract during that specific year.

It came to me via a friend that choosing a word solidifies a commitment to living that purpose and really embracing everything that the word entails.

Past words have been Fearless, Abundance and a second round of Fearless. (What can I say, I needed more bravery that year.)  My word for this year is:  BRILLIANCE.

So let me explain how I chose that word. First off, I was having a tough time deciding what I wanted my word to be and knowing that this year I plan on making bigger changes in my life, it had to be something I fully wanted to embrace AND reflect back onto the world.  I had to sit quietly with it, roll it around in my mouth and soul, tasting it, feeling it. I think that’s part of the secret, you have to want to give that back to the universe. Life is an ebb and flow of energy. A whirlwind of highs, lows and a lot of grey inbetween.

I chose the word brilliance because I want to build my creativity, passion and energy levels and finally live a life that feels most true to me.  It’s not about people pleasing, it’s not about trying to be something that I’m not and it’s not about living life at surface level.

It IS about rose gold everything, shining light on those around me, nurturing creativity inward, illuminating that out into the world, educating myself, creating a passionate life (through what I say, do, wear, eat, write, believe and encompass) and reflecting onto the world.

What’s your word for this year?