Dating & The Illusion of Choice

I’m not going to lie and tell you that dating in 2018 is going to be a ‘piece of cake’ when you’re in your ’40s.

In fact, I am going to tell you that it is very hard and that there is a big ‘illusion of choice’ that daters have with the ability to approve or deny any potential suitor with simply a swipe left or a swipe right.

This illusion makes one believe that there is an infinite selection of people out there, when in reality, there isn’t.  One look at various platforms will no doubt bring out a collection of potential suitors that have active accounts on many of these sites. Different sites, same people.

I was on Tinder for a year and seriously catfished at least once (I knew something was up, so I was quick to nip it in the bud) and there were at least 3 other attempts to do the same.  I also met a few men that were nice, but either too far away or just didn’t gel for one reason or the other.

Because this blog will discuss dating, I am going to talk about ghosting, catfishing, dating apps, unavailable men, share some ridiculous and horrible stories…and hopefully some good stories too.  😉

So how do we break this cycle of illusion?  I think that we might have to actually step outside our comfort zone and go out with people that might not be what we are ‘looking for’. Am I saying that looks don’t matter?  In a sense, yes. But what I’m really saying is that we need to dig a bit deeper when it comes to finding a solid connection and obviously looks are not everything. (Like we haven’t heard that a million times)



As for me, I’m seeking a man with passion. A man with a positive outlook on life and a sense of adventure. A man not afraid of a woman who has the same characteristics.