Embracing ‘The Purge’.

My life is currently in a weird state of flux. Like a very bizarre realm of emotions. Legit. (Do people even say legit anymore?)
I am moving.  Moving from the family home, where outside of a few years away, I have lived most of my life. It’s not to say I’m not excited. I am. At 40-something, you’d think I’d have my act together. But I feel like I’m juggling most days.
Financially I am so unprepared. Jobwise, I am still trying to get my shit together. Possession wise… well….

I have a lot of stuff. A lot of stuff. Not enough to fill a house, but enough stuff that I still have to put together a major purge.

I have followed ‘The Magic Art of Tidying Up’ by Marie Kondo a few years ago and tossed a whole bunch of things that did not give me joy, all the while, folding my clothes origami-like so that I can see them and find them easier.  Perhaps surprisingly to me, I actually kept it up!

This spring, I have already thrown out multiple kitchen/work supplies, thermal bottles that were dented or randomly leaked, work clothes I’ve had since the beginning of time and just really need to replace, clothes that were outdated, too small, too big, too ugly. I also purged crafting supplies, books, cosmetics, lotions, makeup samples, magazines, mugs, photography props and God knows what else.

There is still more to go. My next task is to update my Etsy store with items, sell off some more belongings to make money for this move. I’m also in the process of trying to up my game photographically speaking. I’m looking into a mobile unit to use as a pop up shop (much more on this later)!  I might have to live in it for a while.

I’m not going to lie. This move does not come at a good time financially for me. In fact, it’s really shitty.  I suppose that’s the way all things happen though, right? I will not tell you that I’ve been googling and youtube-ing about people that live in their cars. But I also might have been.  The fact of the matter is this. I have to really start busting my ass in the next 2 months.  It always seems like such a good amount of time. But it’s totally not. When the time rolls around, it’ll happen fast.

So.  The this is ‘THE purge’.  I plan on putting stuff for sale on Etsy, Kijiji, having a garage sale and donating or throwing out a whole whack of things that only keep me tied. I need to be free financially from ‘stuff’.  I do also have to make more money.  It may mean that I have to go and talk to businesses and really sell what I do.  As a creative person, this terrifies me! But I also know it has to be done so I can leverage my business and get it going where I want it to be.  Where I want my life to be.