Experimental Garden Club :: In The Beginning (2019)

Last year was the first year that I actually planted more than just herbs in a garden.

I had my own little container garden patio at my apartment with loads of strawberries, cucumbers, herbs, beans, peas, cherry tomatoes, peppers and I even grew a sugar baby watermelon!  (After carefully watering and fertilizing a weed growing in the same pot for over 2 weeks)  Seriously, I babied that weed and I knew something wasn’t quite right…so I used an app to identify it. Yep… it was a weed, but let me tell you,it was the most cared about weed in history.

Thankfully, underneath, there was a watermelon seedling and eventually a plant and 1 watermelon!  (About the size of a softball)

I digress.  This year I’m starting what I like to call the #ExperimentalGardenClub and all you have to do to join is to grow something you’ve never grown before!

Whether that’s in the ground, in a container, in a jar, food from scraps, whatever!  I do not discriminate!  Join up now on the instagram page and tag your image #experimentalgardenclub to be featured!

For some fun, I’ll repost some images from last year’s garden in my next post. 🙂