Covid Cooking :: Mango Lassi

I’ve always tried to use up all my food before it goes off or needs replacing, or finding ways of alternatively using any food scraps rather than simply tossing things out.  I freeze veggie scraps to make soup stock and freeze a lot of things I can’t eat right away. It’s a good feeling to be able to use as much of my produce and food as I can.  I’ve even started making my own cleaner out of orange and lemon peels!

This was the case with this mango lassi I made!   I had 2 ripe, bordering on overripe mangos and had frozen coconut milk in ice cube trays from some whipped coconut milk topping I had made.  What a perfect way to use up some things and enjoy a refreshing treat!

Mango Lassi often uses yogurt and cardamom.  Which unfortunately I had neither, but frozen coconut milk made for a perfect thick base!

Hey, you have to use what you’d got at the most time, let alone when you are not out shopping for 2-3weeks at a time!

But here’s a delicious recipe….


Mango Lassi


  • 2 ripe mangos
  • 1/2 cup whatever milk you choose
  • 8 frozen coconut milk ice cubes


  1. Peel and cube mango
  2. Toss milk, mango and frozen cubes into a nutribullet, blender or anything that can handle ice
  3. Pour into 2 glasses, sprinkle with cardamom and add some straws!
  4. Enjoy!