Covid Cooking :: Making Crackers From Juicing Pulp & 6 Bean Hummus

Last week I was feeling a little blah.

A little like I didn’t want to climb out of bed in the morning or get anything done. So I decided what I really needed was a boost of juice! A kickstart of vegetables in the morning.

I used to make veggie smoothies all the time, but I wanted to play a little with the juicer, so I decided to go for straight juice.

The only thing about juicing is the waste of the fibre, the pulp.  Which is usually why I turn to smoothies. I digress.   I knew a smoothie wouldn’t cut it though and with social distancing as I wasn’t about to go out strictly to buy a juice and spend a ton of money, so I figured I’d have to make it at home and see what I could do about saving or reusing the fibre.

So then I decided I could essentially make crackers,  a way to actually use some of the pulp from the kale and cucumber (and carrot) and separate that pulp from the fruit. I simply juiced the veggies first and kept that pulp aside.

Because the pulp is primarily kale, these crackers are very much flavoured like kale chips!  They were so thin and crispy

Juice Pulp Crackers

(I used kale, carrot and cucumber pulp left after juicing)


  • 3 cups of leftover pulp from juicing(primarily kale/cucumber/carrot)
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • seasonings.. I used onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika (to taste)


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees
  2. Toss all ingredients in a food processor
  3. Puree all ingredients
  4. Spray a baking sheet with an oil spray
  5. Put a thin layer of the mixture on the baking sheet
  6. Pop in the oven and bake for 40 mins (add more time if they are thicker or still feel chewy)
  7. Use a pizza cutter halfway through the bake to mark where you want the crackers to be able to separate.
  8. Let cool
  9. Eat as is or with a dip!
  10. Store in an airtight container for 4-5 days



6 Bean Hummus


  • Can of 6 bean mix
  • 2 Tbsp Tahini
  • Olive Oil – enough to make the mix creamy.
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Lemon juice (to taste)
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Parsley
  • Sprinkle of Paprika (decoration)


    1. Drain the can of beans and toss in the food processor
    2. Add tahini
    3. Puree… and add olive oil until creamy
    4. Add garlic cloves, lemon juice and seasoning
    5. Continue to puree until the consistency is a creamy, smooth dip.
    6. Serve with juice pulp crackers, veggies or use as a spread on sandwiches/wraps

There are so many fun (and healthy) combos you can make with these crackers using different pulp, different spice combos or add-ins like flaxseed, hemp hearts, etc.

Food is about fun and mixing things up. Have fun with it!

As for me, I’m definitely going to be making more juices and therefore more crackers and more things to use with the leftover pulp.