Quarantine Birthday

There’s something to be said about celebrating your birthday alone.

I am not one of those people who have a ‘birthday week”, let alone a birthday month! If I’m honest, those people really annoy me.  You get one day….like everyone else. Ugh.

It’s not something I’d like to do every year, but it is something that happens from time to time as you get older and there’s more focus on work or life or whatever else you have going on like renewing your driver’s license sticker,or your health card, or undoubtedly some other thing you have to wait in line for.

I made sure that made myself a cake (mocha), drank coffee and mimosas(!) and treated myself well by watching some TV, watching birds at the feeder and noting that I really didn’t have to do anything at all today if I didn’t want to!  And really, that’s the best gift to yourself.  The gift of time and hearing from those who love you most.


46. This is what it looked like.