
Photo by Sonja Maric from Pexels

It’s not that I never knew where I stood with you. The opposite is true. I was the temptress. The one whose hair you liked to pull and who after two beers would be trying to undress me in public.

I’m not going to lie. It was hot.

But I also know there was a problem. Rather a few problems. You drank, you smoked like a fiend, your apartment was covered in cockroaches. But the worst part of it is that you lived with her there. You called her your roommate, but one glance at your apartment and I could tell it was more than that.

When I met you, I hadn’t intended on sleeping with you. That part is true. But after time, it became evident that it was entirely going to happen.

Walking up toward Front street, we turned a corner and I pushed you up against a wall and kissed you hard on the mouth. After we stopped kissing, you told me how impressed you were that I could take initiative like that. Totally left me wondering what the game plan was for that. Neither of us had one.. things ended exactly as they had begun.