Dream Journal :: Laundry & Sketchy Church Groups

http://Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Laundry & Sketchy Church Groups: I came around the corner of the house and found an older man and a young boy, both well dressed and looking like they had come from church, rifling through my recycling bin. When I asked what they were doing, they looked shocked and said they were taking hard plastics for their organization. When I questioned them on the organization, they refused to answer and wouldn’t meet my eyes. I kept asking them, “Who told you it was ok to do this? Did the landlord tell you to come down? Does he know? Don’t be slinking around the backyards in the neighbourhood looking for stuff without asking permission.”

As they ran off up the stairs, I noticed that there were two muddy dirtbikes under the porch and that my backyard looked like the backyard at my old house and that in the middle of the night the landlords had strung a zig zag clothesline over the entire backyard, up in the trees, under the deck and had hung out ALL their laundry.

I was laughing as I saw one line extend all the way up to the massive black walnut trees we had.

Clearly they had strung them up overnight. Underneath the deck, part of the underside had massive back garbage bags up under it. I saw my landlord and asked what was happening. He and his brother started laughing and grabbed the dirt bikes and also took off up the stairs as I was left wandering around in their bed linens on the lawn, pulling them away to see how much laundry had been hung out.

I woke up just after that..