Ten Reasons Why I’ll Never Be A Fashion Blogger But Secretly Wish I Was

10. I don’t have a cohesive ‘look’ or ‘style’

I don’t.  I really don’t. I like too many things and have never really had a style.(My “Stay at Home/Quarantine” style is pretty much sweaters and leggings in the fall/winter/spring and jumpsuits in the summer with a flowy caftan sort of coverup.  Would that be considered a style?)

9. I like too many colours

I’m not one of those ‘neutral is best, let’s all wear linen’ people.  I like black. Lots of black and lots of brights.  Pretty much in any colour… but very rarely will it be neutral (Let’s save that for the boring people).  Although I’m thinking in the future, I might really just gradually switch to all black with pops of colour.

8. I’m cheap. Thrifty. Frugal.

Confession time:  I ‘think’ I’ve worn the same 4 pairs of work pants for like 8 years and I’m not that embarrassed by it.  Same thing goes for my work shirts.(I’m sure my coworkers are mortified by it, but we’re all pretty much in the same boat in regards to what we wear)  I do wear fast fashion, but I wear it for a very long time.  Recently, my clothes have been destroyed by a broken baffle in the washing machine at my apartment.  I have continued to wear them..holes and all.  Eventually I’ll replace them, but during Covid where I’m in my house anyway, it makes no sense for me to be buying new clothes.

7. I have a hard time identifying my size.

As a plus size babe, I have no issue telling you that plus size clothing size-wise is ALL over the map. Like ALL over. If it’s a dress, it might fit everywhere EXCEPT the chest, or it might only fit the chest.  It’s really hard to find a size in a clothing brand and not have to try it on.It’s also really hard to find stores that carry plus size clothing, leaving many options online, but not much in store. You can see how this would be a problem when as I mentioned, sizing can be WAY out of whack. This is a HUGE problem for women in general and even more of an issue for my fellow plus size women. If we don’t have access to clothing in stores, we end up feeling unmotivated, unhappy with our choices and unfashionable in ill fitting clothes. Generally, if I buy something I love, I’ll buy it in a couple of different colours!  This solves a lot of headaches re: sizing down the road.

6. I don’t know how to put things together.

I’ve always been that person who buys a few pieces rather than an outfit.  I found out a couple of my fashionable aunts used to essentially ‘buy the mannequin’… they would buy their outfits based on what the mannequin was wearing.  How genius is that? It is!  (And yet I totally don’t do it) Hahahaha.  Maybe this is something I can easily rectify in the coming years.

5. I hate taking full body photos of myself.

Being a fashion blogger means taking full body shots of yourself.  Kind of like online dating, you need to show the full look.  I asked a friend once to take some full body shots of me. It failed miserably. I was frustrated as I kept explaining how (and that I wouldn’t like them but it was a necessary evil) I wanted these photos to look and in the end, it just never happened.  Typically I take my own photos (I hate asking people to take photos of me) and the idea of being out on the street open and vulnerable with my camera on a tripod seems a little out of whack.. plus it’s not that easy.  Maybe I need an Instagram husband… or at least an Instagram boyfriend.

4. I wear the same clothes often.

Maybe due to my lack of clothes, I tend to gravitate towards the same options.  I am the jeans/sweater/tshirt  or leggings and hoodie kind of girl.  Converse,Fluevogs or my hiking boots. That’s my jam.  I like certain styles and once I know they fit, I don’t go too much further outside of that range.  

3. I very rarely look ‘put together’…. ie. no makeup, comfort over fashion,jeans over anything else.

What?  I have to do my makeup and hair everyday?  Uhhh yeah, that’s a big no from me.  honestly.  Who has time for that?  It’s hard enough to drink the amount of water or prep all my meals that day to worry about makeup and either curling or straightening my hair that’s often up in a clip (so ’90s, I know) or a ponytail.  I WISH I had the dedication these bloggers have, but I straight up must not. 

2. My hair never cooperates.

I spoke about this in #3.  My hair just never seems to do what I want it too.  he older I’ve gotten too, the crazier it seems to be.  You ain’t seen bedhead until you’ve seen me in the morning.  If I brush it, it frizzes.  So… I primarily clip it up, toss it in a ponytail and get on with my day.  I mean if I was a fashion blogger, I’d have to invest in hats and I’ve tried a lot of hats, mainly I look like a mushroom when wearing one.. and I like hats, so that’s a disappointment.

1.  I have a hard enough time writing about my own life to focus on one area.

I definitely can’t do niche work. I’ve tried. I really have. I wouldn’t solely be able to stick to a fashion blog without also wanting to share a recipe for a killer cocktail or a what music was stoking my fire.  I’ve never been good at sticking to one thing.  I know this about myself.  I come by it earnestly.