Bringing Back The Blog

It’s been ages since I’ve updated this blog or told any stories or whatever people expect from blogs. (Not that I think many had even ventured out to read this…) However, I’m bringing it back. I’ve got shit to say. About everything. Friendships, romances, dating, fashion, photography, diy, work, life, money, recipes, thrifting, the use of spaces after a comma.

I turn 50 in less than a month. For real,for real. It’s mildly terrifying and oddy exciting. Mainly because I still feel like a 16 year old who has no fucking clue what they are doing about anything!

Do I want a summer fling or a real relationship? Do I want to sell a bunch of vintage things online or write? Do I want to keep taking photos as a career or as a passion project? Do I want to completely overhaul my life or do I just need a new haircut? Have I learned anything of value in my almost 50 years on this fiery rock?

All of this will be revealed I’m sure… or it won’t be and it’ll just be a waste of everyone’s damn time. 😉