Author: admin

50@50 : A Portrait Series

50@50 : A Portrait Series

A collection of some Very Important People in my life.

Bringing Back The Blog

Bringing Back The Blog

It’s been ages since I’ve updated this blog or told any stories or whatever people expect from blogs. (Not that I think many had even ventured out to read this…) However, I’m bringing it back. I’ve got shit to say. About everything. Friendships, romances, dating, 

Books in 2022

Books in 2022

Last Girl Ghosted ~Lisa Unger The Storyteller ~ Dave Grohl Life in the City of Dirty Water ~ Clayton Thomas-Muller Target ~ James Patterson

52 New Recipes in 2022

52 New Recipes in 2022

One of my ‘goals’ in 2022 is to track and log each new recipe I make. I do make new recipes quite regularly, but never ask me where I got said recipe as I’ve definitely never written it down and am unlikely to ever find 

Honestly, Where Has the Time Gone?

Honestly, Where Has the Time Gone?

Let’s not kid ourselves. This has been a year full of ups and downs, whether or not it was personally (for you) for the good or the bad. Covid did a huge number on us mentally. Covid (for some of us) did a huge number 

Dream Journal::  My Secret Grandmother

Dream Journal:: My Secret Grandmother

You know those dreams where you semi-wake and think.. maybe? Is that real? Am I remembering some bizarro real life event or is it just an extremely vivid dream? Last night I dreamt I was on a train that was super plush and definitely a 

Ten Reasons Why I’ll Never Be A Fashion Blogger But Secretly Wish I Was

Ten Reasons Why I’ll Never Be A Fashion Blogger But Secretly Wish I Was

10. I don’t have a cohesive ‘look’ or ‘style’ I don’t.  I really don’t. I like too many things and have never really had a style.(My “Stay at Home/Quarantine” style is pretty much sweaters and leggings in the fall/winter/spring and jumpsuits in the summer with 

Dollarama DIY:: Repairing My Copper Tray

Dollarama DIY:: Repairing My Copper Tray

I love this large hammered copper tray that I bought at Homesense a few years ago. I legitimately use it for everything that would normally be on a coffee table. (I have yet to invest in a coffee table) It sits cheerfully on my golden 

Dream Journal :: Laundry & Sketchy Church Groups

Dream Journal :: Laundry & Sketchy Church Groups

Laundry & Sketchy Church Groups: I came around the corner of the house and found an older man and a young boy, both well dressed and looking like they had come from church, rifling through my recycling bin. When I asked what they were doing, 



It’s not that I never knew where I stood with you. The opposite is true. I was the temptress. The one whose hair you liked to pull and who after two beers would be trying to undress me in public. I’m not going to lie.