Author: admin

Covid Cooking :: Mango Lassi

Covid Cooking :: Mango Lassi

I’ve always tried to use up all my food before it goes off or needs replacing, or finding ways of alternatively using any food scraps rather than simply tossing things out.  I freeze veggie scraps to make soup stock and freeze a lot of things 

Covid Cooking ::  Zen & The Art of Marshmallow Salad

Covid Cooking :: Zen & The Art of Marshmallow Salad

If I said the words ‘Marshmallow Salad’ to you, what would you envision? Would you be grossed out? Amused? Disinterested or curious? It’s funny how something as simple as a few ingredients thrown together can bring all these emotions and memories back to us. Eating 

Covid Cooking::  Baba Ganoush

Covid Cooking:: Baba Ganoush

  I am no stranger to the deliciously garlicky, lemony, eggplant concoction that is Baba Ganoush. This Lebanese dip (which is perfect by the way… and I will fight anyone who says that hummus is better), is thick, creamy and fabulous for dipping any sort 

Covid Cooking :: Things I’m Making and Eating During Self Isolation

Covid Cooking :: Things I’m Making and Eating During Self Isolation

It’s funny. I normally cook and eat at home (it’s often cheaper for a single person to do that anyway), but I feel I’ve made some different dinners and thought I might share some of the dishes I make.  🙂

You’re So Funny ::  Covid Memes

You’re So Funny :: Covid Memes

A collection of memes I’ve been finding on the internet to share and to remind us (hopefully many years in the future) what was going on at the time in the world and how there is still humour to be found in the darkest of 

Experimental Garden Club  :: In The Beginning (2019)

Experimental Garden Club :: In The Beginning (2019)

Last year was the first year that I actually planted more than just herbs in a garden. I had my own little container garden patio at my apartment with loads of strawberries, cucumbers, herbs, beans, peas, cherry tomatoes, peppers and I even grew a sugar 

12 Easy Ways to Get More Eco-Friendly AND Save Money

12 Easy Ways to Get More Eco-Friendly AND Save Money

I’ve been thinking a lot in the past few years about how we (as individuals) can make changes in our immediate environment that can really make a difference in shifting consumer demand AND saving money and the environment! (Everyone wins!) I already use metal/paper straws, 

Covid Cooking :: Dalgona Coffee

Covid Cooking :: Dalgona Coffee

      Covid Cooking ~Day 3 of Social Isolation Dalgona Coffee or whipped coffee has been making the rounds on Instagram these days as a result of social isolation in South Korea. People started whipping up this iced coffee treat and apparently it tastes 

Love in the Time of Corona

Love in the Time of Corona

We are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Corona Virus (Covid-19)..which currently has no vaccine and has hit the entire planet. Borders are closed, flights are strictly bringing people home from being abroad, people have been told to stay at home, businesses have been