Author: admin

Introducing The ‘Moira Rose’

Introducing The ‘Moira Rose’

Well.. I did it. I bought a Boler.  I’m calling her the ‘Moira Rose’. Financially it’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. Called it. It’s officially the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. BUT… I am looking forward to making new memories, putting in some 

Embracing ‘The Purge’.

Embracing ‘The Purge’.

My life is currently in a weird state of flux. Like a very bizarre realm of emotions. Legit. (Do people even say legit anymore?) I am moving.  Moving from the family home, where outside of a few years away, I have lived most of my 

Taking it Easy With My Heart

Taking it Easy With My Heart

I’m wearing a dress. My knees are pudgy, my legs aren’t as smooth as they could be. I’m sitting spread eagled on my bed, the fan on my laptop whirling along to the tunes  of my Spotify playlist. Coffee in hand. While life isn’t perfect, 

Dating & The Illusion of Choice

Dating & The Illusion of Choice

I’m not going to lie and tell you that dating in 2018 is going to be a ‘piece of cake’ when you’re in your ’40s. In fact, I am going to tell you that it is very hard and that there is a big ‘illusion 

Word of the Year for 2018 :: Brilliance

Word of the Year for 2018 :: Brilliance

It’s only been in the past 3-4 years that I have selected a word that I wanted to live, feel, reflect and attract during that specific year. It came to me via a friend that choosing a word solidifies a commitment to living that purpose 

Beautiful Girls

Beautiful Girls

I have always loved this monologue by Rosie O’Donnell from Beautiful Girls.. and I find it fitting to share as my first posting in the dating category.