52 New Recipes in 2022

52 New Recipes in 2022

One of my ‘goals’ in 2022 is to track and log each new recipe I make. I do make new recipes quite regularly, but never ask me where I got said recipe as I’ve definitely never written it down and am unlikely to ever find 

Covid Cooking :: Pina Colada Smoothies

Covid Cooking :: Pina Colada Smoothies

Morning smoothies and pretending I’m someplace tropical. Check Possibility of adding rum and having these in the afternoon. Double Check. I won’t lie to you. The reason I made these in the first place is because I bought pineapples that were in the discount bin 

Covid Cooking :: Making Crackers From Juicing Pulp & 6 Bean Hummus

Covid Cooking :: Making Crackers From Juicing Pulp & 6 Bean Hummus

Last week I was feeling a little blah. A little like I didn’t want to climb out of bed in the morning or get anything done. So I decided what I really needed was a boost of juice! A kickstart of vegetables in the morning. 

Covid Cooking :: Dalgona Coffee

Covid Cooking :: Dalgona Coffee

      Covid Cooking ~Day 3 of Social Isolation Dalgona Coffee or whipped coffee has been making the rounds on Instagram these days as a result of social isolation in South Korea. People started whipping up this iced coffee treat and apparently it tastes