Tag: covid19

Covid Cooking :: Pina Colada Smoothies

Covid Cooking :: Pina Colada Smoothies

Morning smoothies and pretending I’m someplace tropical. Check Possibility of adding rum and having these in the afternoon. Double Check. I won’t lie to you. The reason I made these in the first place is because I bought pineapples that were in the discount bin 

Covid Cooking ::  Zen & The Art of Marshmallow Salad

Covid Cooking :: Zen & The Art of Marshmallow Salad

If I said the words ‘Marshmallow Salad’ to you, what would you envision? Would you be grossed out? Amused? Disinterested or curious? It’s funny how something as simple as a few ingredients thrown together can bring all these emotions and memories back to us. Eating 

Covid Cooking :: Things I’m Making and Eating During Self Isolation

Covid Cooking :: Things I’m Making and Eating During Self Isolation

It’s funny. I normally cook and eat at home (it’s often cheaper for a single person to do that anyway), but I feel I’ve made some different dinners and thought I might share some of the dishes I make.  🙂

You’re So Funny ::  Covid Memes

You’re So Funny :: Covid Memes

A collection of memes I’ve been finding on the internet to share and to remind us (hopefully many years in the future) what was going on at the time in the world and how there is still humour to be found in the darkest of