Tag: Dating



It’s not that I never knew where I stood with you. The opposite is true. I was the temptress. The one whose hair you liked to pull and who after two beers would be trying to undress me in public. I’m not going to lie. 



We stood in the parking lot as we often did after a show. Laughing and joking. You stepped towards me and I stayed static. I saw you smile, lick your lips and flick your eyes towards my lips and I knew I knew in that 



We went to high school about a billion years ago or so it seems now. You in your grey Chevy Impala with it’s headers and the chronic case of needing things fixed. Me with a desire to study during spare and you begging me to 

Love in the Time of Corona

Love in the Time of Corona

We are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Corona Virus (Covid-19)..which currently has no vaccine and has hit the entire planet. Borders are closed, flights are strictly bringing people home from being abroad, people have been told to stay at home, businesses have been 

Taking it Easy With My Heart

Taking it Easy With My Heart

I’m wearing a dress. My knees are pudgy, my legs aren’t as smooth as they could be. I’m sitting spread eagled on my bed, the fan on my laptop whirling along to the tunes  of my Spotify playlist. Coffee in hand. While life isn’t perfect, 

Dating & The Illusion of Choice

Dating & The Illusion of Choice

I’m not going to lie and tell you that dating in 2018 is going to be a ‘piece of cake’ when you’re in your ’40s. In fact, I am going to tell you that it is very hard and that there is a big ‘illusion