Tag: delicious

Covid Cooking ::  Zen & The Art of Marshmallow Salad

Covid Cooking :: Zen & The Art of Marshmallow Salad

If I said the words ‘Marshmallow Salad’ to you, what would you envision? Would you be grossed out? Amused? Disinterested or curious? It’s funny how something as simple as a few ingredients thrown together can bring all these emotions and memories back to us. Eating 

Covid Cooking::  Baba Ganoush

Covid Cooking:: Baba Ganoush

  I am no stranger to the deliciously garlicky, lemony, eggplant concoction that is Baba Ganoush. This Lebanese dip (which is perfect by the way… and I will fight anyone who says that hummus is better), is thick, creamy and fabulous for dipping any sort 

Covid Cooking :: Things I’m Making and Eating During Self Isolation

Covid Cooking :: Things I’m Making and Eating During Self Isolation

It’s funny. I normally cook and eat at home (it’s often cheaper for a single person to do that anyway), but I feel I’ve made some different dinners and thought I might share some of the dishes I make.  🙂

Covid Cooking :: Dalgona Coffee

Covid Cooking :: Dalgona Coffee

      Covid Cooking ~Day 3 of Social Isolation Dalgona Coffee or whipped coffee has been making the rounds on Instagram these days as a result of social isolation in South Korea. People started whipping up this iced coffee treat and apparently it tastes