The Big List 2021

So.. last year’s list fell apart in March (minus the ‘No Spend Days’.. in fact I went 50 days OVER my target goal! hahahaha… go me!) so creating a new list for essentially almost the same kind of year I knew would be a challenge, and yet here we are.

Some goals remain the same, some are focusing on the minor parts to supplement the larger plan. Alright, let’s dive in…

  • Complete Moira Rose’s Interior (Paint / Floor / Cushions / Vinyl Labels / Curtains / Repair Windows / Modify Door Interior/ Hang Chandelier / Lights / Battery / Table / Cupboard Latches / Countertop / Backsplash)
  • Learn 12 songs on the ukulele
  • 52 Self -Care Sundays (9/52)
  • 220 No Spend Days (266/220)
  • Purge 150 Things (150/150)
  • 365 Days Self-Portrait Project (Starting May 11)*cancelled*
  • New Hairstyle/Cut
  • Blog 2x a week (1/104)
  • Meatless Mondays (2/52)
  • Clear inbox everyday (4/365)
  • Read 12 ‘Classics’ (2/12)
  • Read 12 novels (18/12)
  • Track my water intake
  • Make furniture for the dollhouse (couch /kitchen curtains/front porch swing cushions/ upper cabinet shelves / vanity / dresser / chair / bookcase)
  • Revisit the Family Cookbook
  • Invest in new glasses
  • Take part in NaNoWriMo
  • Make : Apple Cream Pie /Pad Thai/ Sage Smudge Sticks/Campfire Starters/Naan Bread/ Bagels/Candles/Borscht)
  • Watch: Gladiator/The Usual Suspects/Fight Club/Harold and Maude/Schindler’s List)
  • Use/Donate All Craft Supplies
  • Take more Instax photos
  • Invest in Noise Cancelling Headphones
  • Stretch : AM/ PM (0/365)