The Big List 2022

Here we go again… another list of things to do for the year ahead…wish me luck!


  • Find a skincare routine
  • New ‘do
  • *secret goal*


  • Undertake the $5 savings challenge
  • Sell off some belongings
  • Use only cash for variable spending
  • *secret goal*
  • *Secret goal*


  • Sally’s Bake Blog Challenge -year long challenge (0/12)
  • Read 20 Books (30/20)
  • 52 new recipes (13/52)
  • Finish up all unfinished craft products // get rid of additional craft supplies


  • Put flooring in Moira Rose //Finish Cupboards // Figure out countertop// Fabric and foam for cushions //Trim flooring //Figure out window repairs
  • Create a mailing list for the business
  • *secret task*
  • *secret task*

12 Monthly Challenges

  • January : No Spend January / The Big Purge/ The “15 Minute Tidy”
  • February : 5AM club // Squat Challenge
  • March : “Craft It” – 30 days of working on crafts/unfinished projects
  • April : 30 Days of Ukulele // Plank Challenge
  • May : 10000 Steps/Day Challenge
  • June : The Moira Rose Month… finish all things Moira
  • July : Month of Vegetarianism
  • August : Cut back on TV/Social Media to 1 hour a day
  • September : Self Care Challenge
  • October : 31 Days of Creative Portraiture
  • November : Nanowrimo
  • December : 31 Days of Kindness

Yearly Plus :The Fitness Marshall dance off // Learn a new language